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How to Handle Out-of-Memory Errors when training LLMs

LLamA v2, OpenLLamA, Falcon, etc.


As deep learning models continue to grow in complexity, the challenge of working with limited GPU RAM becomes increasingly prominent. Out-of-memory (OOM) errors can hinder the training process and limit the potential of your models. In this article, we explore a range of advanced strategies that go beyond the basics to prevent OOM errors and ensure efficient training within constrained GPU memory. We will discuss techniques like gradient accumulation, quantization, lit-GPT, automatic mixed-precision training, low-precision floats, efficient model initialization, choosing leaner optimizers, and parameter offloading.

Table of Contents

    Gradient Accumulation

    Gradient accumulation involves accumulating gradients over multiple mini-batches before performing a parameter update. This technique effectively reduces memory consumption during the backward pass since gradients from different mini-batches are stored and computed sequentially. By trading off computation time for memory, gradient accumulation can help prevent OOM errors. However, it’s important to adjust the learning rate accordingly, as fewer updates are being performed.Imagine you’re trying to paint a wall, but you can only hold a small amount of paint in your brush. Instead of painting the entire wall in one go, you paint a small section, then go back and paint another section, and so on. This way, you use up less paint at once, even though it takes a bit longer to finish the entire wall. Similarly, in training a model, gradient accumulation spreads out the updates so that the computer doesn’t get overwhelmed with too much information all at once.


    Quantization is a method that reduces the precision of the weights and activations of a model, thereby saving memory. Floating-point numbers typically require more memory than fixed-point representations. Techniques like mixed-precision training utilize lower precision data types (such as float16) for activations and gradients while keeping higher precision for certain weights (like embedding layers). This helps in conserving GPU memory without significantly compromising model performance.Think of a recipe that calls for precise measurements of ingredients, like sugar. If you use a digital scale with many decimal places, you get very precise measurements, but sometimes you only need a rough estimate. So, you decide to use a simpler scale that rounds to the nearest gram. This is like quantization, where we simplify the numbers we use in the model to save memory, just like we’re using a simpler scale to measure ingredients.

    Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LoRA)

    Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling is a technique designed to mitigate OOM errors during training. It involves adaptively adjusting the learning rates of individual layers based on their memory requirements. This allows memory-intensive layers to have smaller learning rates, preventing excessive memory usage. LoRA ensures that layers receive an appropriate amount of updates without causing memory overflow.Imagine you’re baking a layered cake, and each layer needs just the right amount of baking time to be perfectly moist. Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LoRA) is like adjusting the oven temperature differently for each cake layer so that they all bake evenly. In a deep learning model, each layer learns at its own pace, and LoRA ensures that learning rates are customized, preventing some layers from overpowering others. This way, the model trains smoothly and produces accurate results, just like your cake layers come out delicious and balanced.

    “lit-GPT.” Lit-GPT (Lightweight Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

    is specifically designed to offer a balance between model size and performance. These models are often pre-trained on vast amounts of data, enabling them to capture essential patterns while maintaining a smaller number of parameters compared to their larger counterparts. Lit-GPT models are particularly advantageous when dealing with constrained GPU resources. Their reduced parameter count directly translates to lower memory consumption during training, making them less likely to encounter OOM errors. Despite their smaller size, they still exhibit impressive language generation capabilities, making them a valuable asset for various natural language processing tasks.By opting for lit-GPT models, you can effectively sidestep the challenges associated with limited GPU RAM. These models allow you to work with intricate language patterns and generate high-quality text while operating within the confines of your available memory resources. Imagine you have two storybooks—one is a giant encyclopedia, and the other is a smaller book that still tells you many interesting stories. The smaller book is like a lightweight model; it has fewer pages (parameters) but still captures the essence of the stories (language patterns). You can read and enjoy stories from the smaller book without feeling overwhelmed, just like you can use a lightweight model on your computer without running out of memory.

    Automatic Mixed-Precision Training

    Automatic mixed-precision training combines both high and low-precision operations within a single training iteration. This technique optimizes memory usage by using lower precision for less critical operations, reducing memory footprint and accelerating training without compromising on model quality. Picture yourself working on a jigsaw puzzle. Some pieces have intricate details that you need to fit together precisely, while others are larger and less detailed. Instead of using a single-size tool for all the pieces, you switch between a fine-tipped tool for the detailed parts and a broader tool for the bigger parts. Similarly, in mixed-precision training, we use different “tools” (number representations) for different parts of the model to make the training process faster and more memory-efficient.

    Low-Precision Floats

    Using low-precision floating-point representations, such as float16, for training and inference significantly reduces memory requirements. While some precision may be lost, the impact on model performance can be minimal, and the benefits in terms of memory conservation are substantial. Imagine you have a balance scale that measures weight. If you use a scale that measures weight very accurately, you’ll see very small changes even if you add just a tiny bit of weight. Now, think of using a scale that rounds to the nearest kilogram. You might not catch tiny changes, but it’s much faster and easier to use. Similarly, low-precision floats round numbers to make them simpler, which saves memory and speeds up calculations in the model.

    Efficient Model Initialization

    Proper model initialization can influence convergence and memory efficiency. Techniques like “Xavier” initialization set initial weights in a way that promotes faster convergence, potentially requiring fewer training iterations and less memory consumption. Think of a car engine. When it’s cold, it takes a little while to start running smoothly. If you warm up the engine a bit before driving, it’s more efficient and uses less fuel. Similarly, in training a model, efficient initialization sets up the model in a way that helps it start learning more effectively and with less memory “wasted” on unnecessary steps.

    Leaner Optimizers

    Choosing leaner optimization algorithms, such as AdamW or RMSprop, instead of heavier optimizers like vanilla Adam, can lead to reduced memory consumption. These algorithms often have memory-efficient implementations and provide good convergence properties. Consider two ways of carrying groceries: a backpack and a trolley. If you have fewer groceries, using a backpack is more efficient because it’s easier to carry around. Similarly, leaner optimizers are like using a backpack for your model—they’re lighter and more efficient, allowing the training process to run smoothly without needing too much “energy” (memory) to move forward.

    Parameter Offloading

    Offloading certain parameters to the CPU during training can alleviate memory pressure on the GPU. By temporarily storing infrequently used parameters on the CPU, you free up GPU memory for more critical computations. Imagine you’re baking cookies, and you have a limited counter space. Some ingredients are used frequently, so you keep them on the counter. But other ingredients that you use less often, like a special spice, you keep in a nearby cupboard and only take them out when needed. Offloading parameters is like temporarily moving some ingredients off the counter to the cupboard, freeing up space for the important stuff and preventing clutter.


    Navigating the challenges of limited GPU RAM while training deep learning models requires a combination of strategies tailored to your specific needs. Employing techniques like gradient accumulation, quantization, lit-GPT, automatic mixed-precision training, low-precision floats, efficient model initialization, choosing leaner optimizers, and parameter offloading can collectively empower you to achieve efficient training and prevent out-of-memory errors. Experimentation and careful implementation of these advanced strategies will allow you to harness the full potential of your models within the confines of constrained GPU memory.

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