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General tips and insights that sales and marketing people can learn from “Better Call Saul” series on Netflix

“Better Call Saul” is a popular American television series that premiered on AMC in February 2015. It is a prequel to the hit series “Breaking Bad” and follows the life of the struggling lawyer, Jimmy McGill, who later adopts the moniker Saul Goodman. The show explores Jimmy/Saul’s transformation from a small-time lawyer to a notorious criminal lawyer who represents some of the most dangerous criminals in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The show has been critically acclaimed for its compelling storytelling, complex characters, and outstanding performances by the cast, particularly Bob Odenkirk, who plays the lead role of Jimmy/Saul. The series has also received praise for its attention to detail, cinematography, and music.

Over the years, “Better Call Saul” has won numerous awards and nominations, including:

  • 2 Golden Globe nominations for Best Television Series – Drama
  • 7 Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Jonathan Banks and Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series for Bob Odenkirk
  • 2 Critics’ Choice Television Awards for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Jonathan Banks and Best Actor in a Drama Series for Bob Odenkirk
  • 1 Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series for Bob Odenkirk

Overall, “Better Call Saul” has been widely praised for its writing, direction, and performances, and has become a fan favorite among viewers who appreciate its dark humor, compelling characters, and tense, dramatic storylines.

But what I find particularly insightful is the character of Jimmy/Saul, the acting, and learnings that sales and marketing people can take away. So here are some key insights from the serieis.

Key Insights

One key insight into the world of sales and marketing that can be gleaned from “Better Call Saul” is the

Power of storytelling to build an emotional connection with your clients

Throughout the show, Jimmy/Saul often tells compelling stories to persuade people to take his side. For example, in season 1, episode 8, Jimmy/Saul is trying to convince a potential client to hire him as their lawyer. He tells the story of a previous case he won, where he represented an elderly woman who had been scammed by a con artist. Jimmy/Saul describes how he was able to track down the con artist and get the woman her money back, painting himself as a hero and instilling confidence in the potential client that he can also solve their legal issue.

This is a powerful tactic that sales and marketing people can use when talking to prospects. By telling stories that illustrate how their product or service has helped others in similar situations, they can build trust and credibility with the prospect, and increase the likelihood that the prospect will choose to do business with them.

Another key insight that can be gleaned from “Better Call Saul” for sales and marketing professionals is the

Importance of understanding your audience.

In the show, Jimmy/Saul often tailors his communication style and approach to the specific person he is trying to persuade. For example, in season 2, episode 6, Jimmy/Saul is trying to convince a group of elderly people to sign up for a retirement home’s class action lawsuit. He uses a folksy, down-to-earth approach, peppering his speech with references to old TV shows and songs that he knows will resonate with the older demographic.

This is a valuable lesson for sales and marketing people, who should take the time to research and understand their audience before trying to sell them anything. By tailoring your messaging and approach to your audience’s needs and interests, you can increase the chances of a successful sale or conversion. This can include using language that resonates with their particular industry or talking about specific pain points that you know they are struggling with. By showing that you understand their needs and can provide solutions that are relevant to them, you can build trust and establish a connection that is crucial for successful sales and marketing.

Another insight that sales and marketing professionals can learn from “Better Call Saul”:

The power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Throughout the show, Jimmy/Saul frequently relies on referrals and personal recommendations from satisfied clients to attract new business. For example, in season 1, episode 5, Jimmy/Saul represents a pair of skateboarders who were injured while filming a video. He wins their case and they become his advocates, spreading the word about his services to their friends and fellow skateboarders.

This is a powerful reminder that word-of-mouth marketing can be one of the most effective ways to attract new customers. By providing excellent service and going above and beyond for your existing clients, you can turn them into brand ambassadors who will recommend your product or service to others. This can include offering exceptional customer service, providing personalized recommendations or solutions, or simply going the extra mile to make sure your clients are satisfied. In today’s social media-driven world, positive reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers can be more valuable than any other form of advertising.

Another key insight from “Better Call Saul” for sales and marketing professionals is the

Importance of persistence

In the show, Jimmy/Saul often faces rejection and setbacks in his attempts to win new clients and cases. However, he never gives up and continues to pursue his goals with determination and creativity. For example, in season 1, episode 3, Jimmy/Saul is trying to convince a potential client to hire him as their lawyer, but the client is initially resistant. Rather than giving up, Jimmy/Saul comes up with a creative plan to win the client over, which involves staging a fake accident and convincing the client that he needs legal representation.

This is a valuable lesson for sales and marketing professionals, who may also face rejection or obstacles in their attempts to win new business. By staying persistent and looking for creative solutions to problems, you can increase your chances of success. This may involve following up with a prospect multiple times, trying different approaches, or finding a way to differentiate your product or service from competitors. While persistence may not always guarantee success, it can be a crucial factor in overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.

The importance of building relationships with your clients.

In the show, Jimmy/Saul frequently goes above and beyond to build personal connections with his clients, often taking the time to get to know them on a personal level and empathize with their struggles. For example, in season 1, episode 9, Jimmy/Saul represents a woman who is being scammed by a con artist. Rather than just focusing on the legal aspects of the case, Jimmy/Saul takes the time to comfort the woman and provide emotional support, even staying with her overnight to make sure she feels safe.

This is a valuable lesson for sales and marketing professionals, who should strive to build strong relationships with their clients and customers. By taking the time to get to know your clients on a personal level, you can better understand their needs and goals, and tailor your solutions accordingly. This can involve sending personalized messages or recommendations, checking in with clients regularly to see how they are doing, or simply showing genuine interest in their lives and experiences. By building trust and rapport with your clients, you can establish a long-term relationship that is beneficial for both parties.

Another key insight from “Better Call Saul” for sales and marketing professionals is the

Importance of being adaptable and flexible.

In the show, Jimmy/Saul often has to pivot and change his approach on the fly to adapt to unexpected situations or new information. For example, in season 4, episode 4, Jimmy/Saul is representing a client who is facing criminal charges. However, he discovers that the client is actually guilty and has lied to him about the details of the case. Rather than giving up, Jimmy/Saul quickly shifts his strategy and comes up with a new plan to negotiate a plea deal for the client.

To do this, Jimmy/Saul used his knowledge of the legal system and his relationships with other lawyers and officials to navigate the negotiation process. He was able to convince the prosecutor that his client was remorseful and willing to cooperate, and to negotiate a deal that would result in a reduced sentence and a chance for his client to turn his life around.

This example highlights the importance of adaptability and flexibility in sales and marketing. Just as Jimmy/Saul was able to pivot his strategy and find a new approach to achieve his goals, sales and marketing professionals may also need to be willing to change course and try new tactics to overcome challenges and achieve success. By staying agile and responsive to new information and changing circumstances, you can increase your chances of achieving your objectives and achieving long-term success.

Leveraging social media or personal connections to gain access to key decision-makers at target companies

In season 1, episode 1, Jimmy/Saul poses as a grieving family member to gain access to a potential client and win his business. He attends a funeral for the deceased, pretending to be an old friend from college. He approaches the grieving widow and strikes up a conversation, eventually revealing that he is a lawyer who can help her with her husband’s outstanding legal issues.

Creating engaging and informative video content to promote their SAAS solution

In season 1, episode 4, Jimmy/Saul creates a fake commercial to advertise his legal services on local TV. He hires a film crew and actors to create a commercial that pokes fun at traditional law firm advertising and positions him as a more relatable and approachable lawyer. He then airs the commercial during late-night TV programming, targeting viewers who may be more likely to need legal services.

Using humor and empathy to build rapport with prospects and overcome objections

In season 2, episode 3, Jimmy/Saul uses humor and wit to overcome objections and win over a potential client. He meets with a potential client who is resistant to his legal services, but he uses his charm and wit to make her laugh and build rapport. He also presents a creative solution to her problem that helps her see the value in hiring him.

Using their expertise to provide value to prospects and clients

In season 3, episode 2, Jimmy/Saul uses his knowledge of legal loopholes to find a way to help a client in a seemingly impossible situation. He researches obscure legal precedents and statutes to find a loophole that allows him to help his client avoid a lengthy prison sentence.

Thinking creatively about how to connect with prospects and build relationships

In season 4, episode 2, Jimmy/Saul uses a clever and unconventional approach to win over potential clients at a senior living home. He dons a disguise and poses as a potential resident, gaining access to the facility and building relationships with the residents and staff. He then pitches his legal services to the residents, using his charm and wit to win them over.

Research on the decision-makers at their target companies and finding ways to connect with them on a personal level

In season 5, episode 5, Jimmy/Saul uses his charm and wit to win over a judge who is hesitant to grant his client’s request. He engages in small talk with the judge, using his knowledge of the judge’s personal interests and hobbies to build rapport. He then presents his case in a way that appeals to the judge’s sense of fairness and justice.

Combining data and analytics with emotional storytelling to create a compelling case for their SAAS solution

In season 5, episode 10, Jimmy/Saul uses a combination of logic and emotion to win over a potential client. He presents a logical argument for why his legal services are superior to those of his competitor, but he also appeals to the potential client’s emotional attachment to their current lawyer. He acknowledges the emotional difficulty of switching lawyers and presents himself as a trustworthy and empathetic alternative.

Creating a sense of urgency and scarcity around their SAAS solution.

In season 2, episode 1, Jimmy/Saul uses his knowledge of human psychology to influence the behavior of a group of potential clients. He creates a sense of scarcity and urgency by telling them that his services are in high demand and that he can only take on a limited number of clients. He also uses social proof by mentioning some high-profile clients that he has worked with in the past.

Demonstrating their expertise and experience in the field

In season 5, episode 1, Jimmy/Saul uses his expertise and experience to win over a potential client who is skeptical about his abilities. He presents a detailed plan of action that addresses the client’s specific needs and concerns, and he demonstrates his knowledge of the industry by using technical jargon and other specialised language.

Importance of understanding the language and culture of your target audience, and using it to build rapport and establish trust.

In season 1, episode 1, Jimmy/Saul demonstrates the power of a well-crafted elevator pitch when he convinces two skateboarders to become his first clients. He starts by quickly establishing his credentials as a lawyer, but then he connects with the skateboarders on a personal level by using slang and humor that they can relate to. This shows the importance of understanding the language and culture of your target audience, and using it to build rapport and establish trust.


In conclusion, “Better Call Saul” is not only a gripping TV series, but it also provides valuable insights for sales and marketing professionals. By observing the tactics and strategies used by Jimmy/Saul to persuade and negotiate with his clients, salespeople can learn how to handle difficult conversations and build trust with their prospects. From Jimmy/Saul’s use of humor to his ability to read and adapt to his clients’ needs, there are numerous lessons that can be applied in real-life sales situations.

Furthermore, the show’s success and critical acclaim demonstrate the importance of compelling storytelling, attention to detail, and outstanding performances in engaging an audience. As sales and marketing professionals, it is essential to understand the power of storytelling and the importance of building a personal connection with prospects.

Overall, “Better Call Saul” is not only an entertaining and thought-provoking show, but it also provides valuable lessons for sales and marketing professionals seeking to improve their skills and achieve success in their careers.

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