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How to use Mautic as your lead management platform

And escape hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees. One of the most popular package for Leads CRM is leadsquared, followed by pipedrive, hubspot CRM, salesforce, etc.

All these come with hefty price tags, where as mautic is free and open source, the only challenge is that it isn’t easy to use and most people don’t know how to configure it for lead management.

Mautic can be used in place of LeadSquared as a customer acquisition and marketing automation platform. Mautic offers a range of features that can help businesses capture leads, automate their marketing campaigns, and streamline their sales processes. Here are some ways in which Mautic can be used in place of LeadSquared:

  1. Lead capture: Mautic provides a range of tools for capturing leads, including landing pages, forms, and pop-ups. These tools can be used to collect lead information and add them to your contact database.
  2. Lead management: Mautic enables businesses to manage their leads and track their interactions with your brand. You can assign leads to specific sales reps, track lead activity, and prioritize leads based on their engagement.
  3. Email marketing: Mautic enables businesses to create and send targeted email campaigns to their leads and customers. You can create personalized emails, segment your audience, and track email performance metrics.
  4. Marketing automation: Mautic allows businesses to automate their marketing campaigns based on lead behavior and activity. You can create automated workflows that trigger specific actions based on lead behavior, such as sending follow-up emails or assigning leads to specific sales reps.
  5. Reporting and analytics: Mautic provides businesses with a range of reporting and analytics tools that enable them to measure the performance of their marketing campaigns. You can track key metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, and use this data to optimize your campaigns.

Overall, Mautic can be used in place of LeadSquared to automate your marketing processes and streamline your sales funnel. While both platforms offer similar functionality, Mautic is an open source platform, which means that it is more customizable and can be integrated with a wider range of third-party tools.

Mautic provides several features that enable businesses to assign leads to specific sales reps, track phone calls made by sales reps, and implement a schedule for following up with leads. Here’s a brief overview of how these features can be used:

  1. Assigning leads to specific sales reps: Mautic allows you to create a lead scoring model to assign leads to specific sales reps based on their activity and behavior. You can create custom rules that automatically assign leads to sales reps based on factors such as lead source, lead score, or geography.
  2. Tracking phone calls made by sales reps: Mautic can integrate with third-party tools such as CallRail or Twilio, which enables you to track phone calls made by sales reps. By integrating with these tools, you can track call duration, caller ID, and other call metrics.
  3. Implementing a schedule for following up with leads: Mautic’s marketing automation capabilities can be used to implement a schedule for following up with leads. You can create a series of automated workflows that trigger specific actions based on lead behavior, such as sending follow-up emails or assigning leads to specific sales reps.
  4. Moving leads through various stages: Mautic’s lead management features allow you to move leads through various stages of the sales funnel. You can create custom fields to track lead progress, such as “Contacted,” “Qualified,” and “Closed-Won.” You can also set up notifications to alert sales reps and managers when a lead moves to a specific stage in the sales process.

To evenly distribute leads among your sales reps, you can use Mautic’s lead scoring and routing features. You can set up rules to automatically distribute leads among your sales reps based on their availability and workload. You can also use Mautic’s notification and reporting features to keep track of which leads have been assigned to which sales reps and monitor their progress through the sales funnel.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up lead scoring in Mautic:

  1. Create a lead scoring model: To set up lead scoring in Mautic, you first need to create a lead scoring model. To do this, go to “Settings” > “Lead Scoring” and click the “New” button. Give your model a name and description, and click “Save.”
  2. Create scoring rules: Once you have created a lead scoring model, you need to create scoring rules to assign points to leads based on their behavior and activity. To do this, click the “New Rule” button. Choose a trigger for the rule, such as “Website page visit,” “Form submission,” or “Email open.” Then, set the number of points you want to assign to leads who trigger this rule. Repeat this process to create scoring rules for other triggers.
  3. Set up lead scoring actions: Once you have created your scoring rules, you can set up actions that will be triggered when a lead reaches a certain score threshold. To do this, go to “Actions” > “Lead Scoring Actions” and click the “New” button. Choose the action you want to take when a lead reaches the score threshold, such as assigning the lead to a sales rep or sending a follow-up email.
  4. Assign scores to fields: In addition to creating scoring rules, you can also assign scores to specific fields in a lead’s profile. To do this, go to “Fields” > “Lead Fields” and click on the field you want to score. Under the “Scoring” tab, enter the number of points you want to assign to leads who have a value in this field.
  5. Test your lead scoring model: Once you have set up your lead scoring model, you can test it by creating a new lead and triggering the scoring rules you have set up. You can view a lead’s score and see which rules they have triggered by going to “Leads” > “Manage Leads” and selecting the lead you want to view.

That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to set up lead scoring in Mautic and start using it to prioritize your leads and automate your marketing and sales processes.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to assign leads to specific sales reps in Mautic:

  1. Create a custom field for sales rep: To assign leads to specific sales reps, you first need to create a custom field in Mautic to store the sales rep’s name or ID. To do this, go to “Fields” > “Lead Fields” and click the “New” button. Give your field a name, such as “Sales Rep,” and choose the field type that corresponds to the type of data you want to store (text, dropdown, etc.). Click “Save.”
  2. Create sales rep user accounts: Next, you need to create user accounts for your sales reps in Mautic. To do this, go to “Users” > “Manage Users” and click the “New” button. Enter the sales rep’s name and email address, choose a username and password, and assign them to the appropriate user group. Click “Save.”
  3. Set up lead routing rules: To automatically assign leads to specific sales reps, you need to create lead routing rules in Mautic. To do this, go to “Settings” > “Lead Routing” and click the “New” button. Choose the criteria you want to use to assign leads to sales reps, such as lead source, lead score, or geography. Then, choose the sales rep you want to assign the lead to based on the value in the “Sales Rep” custom field you created in step 1.
  4. Test your lead routing rules: Once you have set up your lead routing rules, you can test them by creating new leads in Mautic and verifying that they are assigned to the correct sales rep. You can view a lead’s assigned sales rep by going to “Leads” > “Manage Leads” and selecting the lead you want to view.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to move a lead through different stages in Mautic:

  1. Create lead stages: To move a lead through different stages, you first need to create lead stages in Mautic. To do this, go to “Settings” > “Lead Stages” and click the “New” button. Give your stage a name, such as “New Lead” or “Qualified Lead,” and a description if desired. Repeat this process to create all the stages you need for your lead management process.
  2. Assign stages to leads: Once you have created your lead stages, you can assign them to individual leads in Mautic. To do this, go to “Leads” > “Manage Leads” and select the lead you want to move to a new stage. Click the “Edit” button, then choose the appropriate stage from the “Stage” dropdown menu. Click “Save.”
  3. Set up automation rules: To automate the process of moving leads through different stages, you can set up automation rules in Mautic. To do this, go to “Campaigns” > “New Campaign” and choose “Lead Based” as the campaign type. Choose a trigger for the rule, such as “Lead moves to a new stage” or “Lead fills out a form.” Then, set up an action that moves the lead to the next stage in your lead management process.
  4. Test your automation rules: Once you have set up your automation rules, you can test them by creating new leads in Mautic and verifying that they are moved through the appropriate stages based on their behavior and activity.

Here is a list of stages that a B2B SaaS product might need for its lead management process:

  1. Awareness: This is the first stage of the lead management process, where a lead becomes aware of your product or service. This stage might involve lead generation through channels like social media, content marketing, or advertising.
  2. Interest: In the interest stage, a lead shows interest in your product or service by visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a piece of content.
  3. Evaluation: In the evaluation stage, a lead begins to evaluate your product or service and its fit for their business needs. This stage might involve product demos, sales calls, or consultations.
  4. Purchase: In the purchase stage, a lead becomes a paying customer and completes the transaction to use your product or service.
  5. Onboarding: In the onboarding stage, the customer is guided through the process of setting up and using your product or service, and getting value from it.
  6. Adoption: In the adoption stage, the customer has successfully onboarded and is actively using your product or service in their day-to-day work.
  7. Expansion: In the expansion stage, the customer begins to expand their use of your product or service, perhaps by upgrading to a higher tier or adding additional features.
  8. Advocacy: In the advocacy stage, the customer becomes an advocate for your product or service, spreading the word to their network and helping to drive more leads and customers to your business.

Of course, the specific stages and terminology used will vary depending on the business and the product or service being offered. But this list should give you a good starting point for thinking about the lead management process for a B2B SaaS product.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how you can implement a series of reminders for leads in Mautic:

  1. Set up lead imports: First, you will need to set up your lead import process so that new leads are automatically added to Mautic. This might involve integrating Mautic with your CRM or lead capture forms.
  2. Create email campaigns: In Mautic, create a series of email campaigns that will be triggered based on the lead’s job title and industry. For example, you might create a campaign for leads in the healthcare industry, and another campaign for leads with the job title “Marketing Manager”.
  3. Add email triggers: Within each email campaign, add triggers that will automatically send an email when a lead matches the criteria for that campaign. For example, you might set up a trigger to send an email to leads in the healthcare industry when they are first imported into Mautic.
  4. Create reminders: In Mautic, create reminders that will prompt you or your sales team to take specific actions with each lead. For example, you might create a reminder to send a message to a lead on Instagram or Twitter after a few days, or to call the lead after a set number of days.
  5. Assign reminders to team members: Assign each reminder to a specific team member so that they receive a notification when it is due. For example, you might assign the Instagram/Twitter message reminder to your social media manager, and the call reminder to your sales team.

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