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Picking a testing framework For your React, Node JS web application (eBook)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

A. The importance of testing in web application development

B. The role of testing frameworks

C. Overview of the testing frameworks to be discussed in the eBook

II. Unit Testing Frameworks

A. Introduction to unit testing

B. Comparison of popular unit testing frameworks

1. Jest

2. Mocha

3. Ava

4. Tape

C. Pros and cons of each framework

D. Use cases and examples

III. Integration Testing Frameworks

A. Introduction to integration testing

B. Comparison of popular integration testing frameworks

1. Cypress

2. TestCafe

3. Nightwatch

4. WebdriverIO

C. Pros and cons of each framework

D. Use cases and examples

IV. End-to-End Testing Frameworks

A. Introduction to end-to-end testing

B. Comparison of popular end-to-end testing frameworks

1. Cypress

2. TestCafe

3. Puppeteer

4. Playwright

C. Pros and cons of each framework

D. Use cases and examples

V. Mocking and Stubbing Frameworks

A. Introduction to mocking and stubbing

B. Comparison of popular mocking and stubbing frameworks

1. Sinon.js

2. Jest

3. TestDouble

4. Nock

C. Pros and cons of each framework

D. Use cases and examples

VI. Performance Testing Frameworks

A. Introduction to performance testing

B. Comparison of popular performance testing frameworks

1. Artillery

2. Apache JMeter

3. Locust

4. Gatling

C. Pros and cons of each framework

D. Use cases and examples

VII. Choosing the Right Testing Framework

A. Key factors to consider when choosing a testing framework

B. How to evaluate a testing framework

C. Factors to consider beyond the framework itself

D. Case studies and examples of successful testing frameworks

VIII. Conclusion

A. Recap of key takeaways

B. Final thoughts on choosing the right testing framework

C. Resources for further learning

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